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March 2010

The narrative commentary of the Divine Service was adapted from a piece written by Professor John Pleiss. It was suggested that the notes from the Divine Service of November 8, 2009 be made available for the congregation and others who might be interested. Here is Part 3 of 4.

Having heard the Word of God, we confess our faith in His Name. The Creed is our saying back to God what He has fi rst said to us. To same/say about God what He has revealed about Himself. In the Nicene Creed, we acclaim the truth of the Triune God and His work of salvation accomplished for us in His Incarnate Son, Jesus Christ.

– Creed –

The praise continues in the Hymn of the Day. As the Word of God dwells in us it calls forth songs of faith and love. This hymn refl ects the particular theme of the Scripture Readings which we have heard. Then, in continuity with the Prophets, Apostles, and Evangelists, our Pastor stands in our midst to deliver the Lord’s Law and Gospel in the sermon. He is God’s mouth for the congregation as through him the Good Shepherd’s voice sounds forth to call, gather, and enlighten His fl ock. Today the Sermon has been given in the form of these comments and explains how and why God serves you in the Divine Service.

– The Hymn of the Day –


Having received from the generosity of the Father who is the Author and Giver of every good and perfect gift, we now return of the gifts that we have been given. The offering is accompanied with an offertory from Psalm 51 which teaches us that the highest offering is simply to receive, in faith, the gifts God gives for body and soul. THE PRAYER OF THE CHURCH God’s Word is always primary in worship. We speak only as we are spoken to. Gathered in Jesus’ Name, we bring the petitions and thanksgivings before Him that grow out of His Word. This prayer is called the Prayer of the Church for in this prayer, the Royal Priesthood of All Believers does its priestly work of making “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings” for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way.

– The Prayer of the Church –

Drawn toward the gifts of Jesus’ body and blood, our hearts are lifted up in thanksgiving and praise as we anticipate the reception of the gifts that carry with them our redemption. The Sanctus brings together the song of heaven’s angels in adoration of the Holy Three-in-One and the acclamations of Palm Sunday; “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest.” In the prayer, we give thanks to the Lord for the redemption which He has secured for us by His cross; we ask Him to prepare us to receive that redemption in living and joyful faith. The Our Father, the prayer which Jesus taught His disciples to pray, is the “table prayer’ with which we come to the Lord’s Table.

– Preface, Sanctus, Prayer, Our Father –

In His name with Thanksgiving,

Pastor Froh


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