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April 2010

The narrative commentary of the Divine Service was adapted from a piece written by Professor John Pleiss. It was suggested that the notes from the Divine Service of November 8, 2009 be made available for the congregation and others who might be interested. Here is Part 4 of 4.

The pastor speaks the Lord’s own words; these words give and bestow what they declare, the Body and Blood of Christ. The Sacrament of Jesus’ Body and Blood is the vehicle for peace. Showing them His wounds, the Risen Lord declared His peace is given us with the Lord’s Body and Blood. By sharing this “peace of the Lord” with each other, we lay aside all that stands in contradiction of the Lord’s testament. With the words of John the Baptist, the Agnus Dei confesses the mercy and peace that we receive from the Lamb of God in His Supper. We come to the Lord’s Table hungry and thirsty and He feeds us with His Body and refreshes us with His Blood. It is the Lord’s Supper. As Luther reminds us “Our Lord is at one and the same time chief, cook, butler, host, and food.”

Consecration, Pax Domini, Agnus Dei, Distribution
Having received the Lord’s Body and Blood for our salvation, like Simeon who held in his arms the Savior of the world, we go in peace and joy singing Simeon’s Song from St. Luke, Chapter 2. Another song of thanksgiving based on 1 Chronicles 16:8-10 may be used instead. Before we leave the Lord’s Table, we give thanks, asking that the salutary gift of Jesus’ Body and Blood would have its way in our lives, strengthening us in faith toward God and fervent love toward one another. The Sacrament draws us outside of ourselves to live in Christ by faith and for the neighbor by love.

Post-Communion Canticle, Prayer
HThe Name of the Lord is the beginning and the end of the Divine Service. We are now marked with the Lord’s Name in the Benediction-that word of God’s Blessing from Numbers 6 in which He favors us with His grace and peace. With the Lord’s Name given us in Holy Baptism we were drawn together. Now with that same Name, He sends us back into the world, to the places of our various callings to live by the mercy we have received as living sacrifices to the praise of His glory and the good of our neighbor. To this benediction you add your Amen, declaring blessing received. As the candles are extinguished the congregation silently offers prayer and praise to God. Such prayer is found on the inside front cover of the Lutheran Service Book (LSB).

On the celebration of the Resurrection, the Church of Jesus Christ pins her hope of her own resurrection. For this reason the Early Christians gathered to receive His gifts on the “8th day.” Having been raised with Christ her Lord in baptism, she lives in their New Day, awaiting the Final Coming and the Second Resurrection.

He is Risen!

Pastor Froh


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